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Film Seizure Ruling Possible Next Week

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Film Seizure Ruling
Possible Next Week

The burning question about was seized illegally and has
Tire Flaming Creatures'^ may filed a brief supporting that
"Nt: ^ ' next week. \, stand. Prosecuting Attorney Wil-

'Courl Judge S\ J. li Elden said he expects to an- oppbkl&groReR 1 V tv/us
nounce his decision on the "sei- Judge Elden said today he!
zure" i i li iple involved in the has studied the briefs and has|
cas» t 10 days. completed independent legal re-,

"The Maming Creatures" is search on the seizure question.!
an experimental film which was He said he is now in the proc-
confiscated by Ann Arbor police ess of putting his opinion on I
as it was being shown last Jan- the question in legal form and
uary at the University's Archi- that the formal opinion may be
tecture Auditorium. Detective ready for release the latter part
Lt. Eugene L. Staudenmaier, of next week. '
who stopped the film and seized The examination, which
it, maintained that the movie started before Judge Elden on
was in violation of the state's Jan. 30, has had testimony from
"l"--^--' "w. only one witness. He was Staud-

later three Univer- enmaier, who was on the stand
sily stuuetils and their faculty for 120 minutes. At the order
adviser were arrested by city of the judge, "The Flaming
ipotice on charges of showing Creatures" was shown in the
'an "obscene, lewd, fflthy and court room up to the point
indecent motion picture. The where Staudenmaier says h<
students, Ellen P. Frank of 725 stopped the movie on the'Tltg^
Haven, Mary E. Barkey of 328 of Jan. 18 and seized the film.
E. University and Elliott S. Bar- It was shown over the objec-
den of 1002 Packard are all tions of the defense attorneys,
officers in the Cinema Guild Dean Robb and William Good-
which sponsored the film show- man, both of Detroit, who are
ing. Hubert Cohen, an English affiliated with the American Ci-
instructor in the School of En- vil Liberties Union.
gineering, was identified as the If Judge Elden rules the set-
students' far"'*" i^viser by po- zure of the film was legal, the
lice when th< .'d him. examination will continue at the
i The Municipal v-^urt examin- point where it was adjourned
ation for the students and Co- three months ago. If he de-
hen has been in recess »-'"^".^ios the seizure was illegal,
the last part of January osecution case will col-1
defense and prosecution Ui^ii. ,„?».„- and the charges against"
have been prepared and filed, the three students and Cone"
'The defen.sp '-•ontends the film will probably be dismissed.